Categories: 2019

The Finance Minister is surprised at how stubbornly many media continue to be interested in the size of the premiums he received.

Arminfo, Armenia
Feb 7 2019
Naira Badalian

ArmInfo.Armenian Finance Minister Atom Janjughazyan is surprised at how stubbornly many media continue to be interested in the size of the bonuses he received. He  stated this on February 7 in the National Assembly of Armenia, where  to a closed meeting the "My Step' parliamentary faction invited him.

Immediately upon arrival, the journalists asked Atom Janjughazyan  about the purpose of the invitation.  "The meeting is closed," he  said. Earlier, the parliamentary majority invited the head of the  State Revenue Committee Davit Ananyan, as it turned out, for  clarification about the sensational awards. According to the media,  the head of the Ministry of Finance will also discuss the proposed  changes in the Tax Code.

"It surprises me that the media continue to be interested in the size  of the premiums I received," Janjughazyan told journalists. According  to him, his position over the past 20 years, the imperative procedure  establishes a certain degree of publicity, including in terms of  disclosure of income. Again, without going into details, the head of  the Ministry of Finance said that, compared to 2017, his salary  increased by 10%. "I think that his responsibility in 2018 also  increased by at least 10%," he said.

When asked by a journalist that the amount of premiums, according to  official information, amounted to more than half a million dollars  and "is this not much for the Ministry of Finance?", Atom  Janjughazyan first called for dramas in the Republic of Armenia, and  further noted that it was not enough for him to judge this, or many.  "I urge you to be guided by the law. The premiums paid were within  the law, and their amount is not half a million dollars, but much  more – 10% of the entire salary fund (for civil servants) plus 30%  within the framework of the stipulated bonus fund," the minister  explained. 

Boris Nahapetian: