Categories: 2019

Expert says international community to assess Armenia’s humanitarian mission in Syria over the time

Panorama, Armenia
Feb 9 2019

Expert in Arabic studies Armen Petrosyan believes the mission of Armenian specialists in Syria is an important humanitarian initiative of a major relevance. The expert’s remarks came on Saturday at a press conference with reporters.

To remind, the 83-member group of Armenian humanitarian experts, including doctors, sappers, as well as supporting personnel headed to Aleppo, Syria on Friday to carry out humanitarian mine clearance activities, raise mine awareness among the population, as well as offer medical aid in Aleppo exclusively outside the zone of military operations.

Petrosyan characterized the mission as one of the most important initiatives undertaken in the history of the country, explaining the relevance of the move in the context of Armenian-Syrian friendly relations, the existence of Armenian community in Syria, as well as for increasing Armenia’s reputation on international arena.

“I see a new phase of quite a balanced and justified approach of Armenia in the settlement of the Syrian conflict,” Petrosyan stressed, adding Armenia’s mission will receive due assessment of the international community over the time.

“Today, we live a period when the world population face major humanitarian crises, while humanitarian organisations lack enough resources to address all needs. Being a country with comparatively limited resources, Armenia has undertaken an important humanitarian contribution to a country that has been the most war-triggered spot in the world over the past 5 years,” noted Petrosyan.
Although the Armenian group is set to be placed in a relatively secure zone, the expert added main concerns however are about the security of Armenian specialists, as the conflict is not settled, and a threat of terrorism still exists.

Lilit Nahapetian: