Categories: 2019

RA Deputy Defense Minister: The initiative to send Armenian mission to Syria belongs exclusively to Yerevan

Arminfo, Armenia
Feb 8 2019
Tatevik Shahunyan

ArmInfo. The initiative to send the Armenian mission to Syria belongs exclusively to Yerevan. The Deputy Minister of Defense Gabriel Balayan assured about this in  an interview with Radio Liberty.

"Russia provided only logistic assistance in this issue. The RA  Consulate in Aleppo assisted in the deployment of the mission," the  Deputy Minister said. Meanwhile, earlier, RA Prime Minister Nikol  Pashinyan stated that Armenia and Russia are carrying out an  important joint humanitarian mission, after which a decision was  announced to send a mission to Syria.

Responding to the charges of the former head of the Armenian  Parliament's Foreign Affairs Committee Armen Ashotyan that the  mission was sent to Syria without signing the relevant international  treaty regulating the activities and purpose of the mission, the  terms of its stay in Syria, Balayan said: "The issue is regulated by  the signed between Armenia and Syria interstate treaty of 2001 ".  In  response to the remark that, in the opinion of many experts, sending  a mission to Syria will have a negative impact on Armenia's relations  with the West and some Arab countries, the Deputy Minister stressed:  "In making the decision, all the pros and cons were taken into  account." At the same time, Balayan found it difficult to indicate  the duration of the mission's stay in Syria: " The mission will  remain in Syria for several months, then, depending on its  effectiveness, a corresponding decision will be made."

On February 8, a group of Armenian specialists in humanitarian  demining, medical personnel and ensuring the safety of the  specialists themselves, in a total of 83 people, arrived in the city  of Aleppo of the Syrian Arab Republic to provide humanitarian  specialized assistance to the Syrian people. According to the press  service of the Ministry of Defense of Armenia, the Armenian  specialists will carry out humanitarian activities related to  humanitarian demining, mine awareness of the population, the  provision of medical assistance in Aleppo, exclusively outside the  zone of combat operations. It should be noted that Defense Minister  Sergei Shoigu at a meeting with his Armenian counterpart David  Tonoyan in Moscow thanked the latter for the humanitarian assistance  to Syria, stressing that it was Armenia that was the first to respond  to the call to support peaceful citizens of the Arab Republic. 

Ani Kharatian: