Categories: 2019

Pashinyan receives Toivo Klaar (video)

Prime Minister of Armenia Nikol Pashinyan received EU Special Representative for the South Caucasus and the Crisis in Georgia Toivo Klaar.

As the Office of the Prime Minister of Armenia reports, Pashinyan highlighted the importance of continued development of relations with the European Union and the pursuit of a constructive dialogue in all spheres. Stressing the need for soonest possible ratification of the Comprehensive and Enhanced Partnership Agreement (CEPA) on the part of EU-member states, Nikol Pashinyan expressed confidence that it will give new impetus to the cooperation and will help implement multifaceted reforms in our country.

The Premier emphasized that his government is determined to implement systemic reforms in the fields of democracy, human rights, freedom of speech and build a fair judicial system. In this context, he appreciated the assistance to be provided under the CEPA and the effective implementation of all relevant programs.

Nikol Pashinyan pointed out with satisfaction that the European side has already provided a roadmap for implementing the Agreement’s provisional clauses, which will be discussed during the upcoming meetings with EU officials.

Toivo Klaar noted that the EU is eager to develop and expand relations with Armenia, and expressed confidence that the bilateral cooperation will be broadened through the temporary implementation of the agreement and the enforcement of those measures envisaged by the aforementioned roadmap.

The parties took the opportunity to discuss issues related to the settlement of the Nagorno- Karabakh conflict. Nikol Pashinyan reaffirmed Armenia’s commitment to the peaceful settlement of the conflict in the OSCE Minsk Group format, and in this context, made a point of Artsakh’s involvement in the confidence-building process, including the civil society. The Premier expressed confidence that it would contribute to the formation of a constructive atmosphere in the negotiation process.

Nikol Pashinyan and Toivo Claar exchanged views on other regional issues as well.

Garik Boshkezenian: