Categories: 2019

Short Documentary Dedicated to the Youth Civic Activism in Armenia and Georgia (video)

, Yerevan

“Free Citizen” Civic Initiative Support Center created short documentary, dedicated to the Youth Civic Activism in Armenia and Georgia during the last few years. The film was created with the support of International Visegrad Fund and the Netherlands Government in the framework of the Project “Young Activist” Young Civic Activists Capacity Building in Social Campaigning. More than 200 young activists in Armenia and 100 – in Georgia was trained during the Project.

“Free Citizen” CISC implemented the Project “Young Activist” in partnership with Public Movement Multinational Georgia, People in Need (Czech Republic) and SALTO Eastern Europe and Caucasus Resource Center (Poland). The final stage of the project coincided with the Velvet Revolution in Armenia.  

The Movie with English titers is available via link: 

“Free Citizen” Civic Initiative Support Center Press Service

Raffi Khondkarian: