LETTER to EDITOR of the Press Herald: U.S. unfathomably silent regarding Armenian government’s violent silencing of dissent

Press Herald, Maine
Feb 14 2019
U.S. unfathomably silent regarding Armenian government’s violent silencing of dissent
The Associated Press reported that Mher Yegiazarian, leader of a political party in Armenia (Armenian Eagles: United Armenia), has died in Nubarashen prison after going on a hunger strike that lasted 52 days. He was arrested Dec. 4 and charged with extorting sums of up to $10,000 that authorities alleged were used as bribes for obtaining employment or other services.
Termination of political dissent by force is customary in Armenia’s state of affairs. Mass killings of civilians in 2008 in Yerevan by the Armenian forces and assassination attempts of Armenian politicians, including the shooting of presidential candidate Paruyr Hayrikyan in 2013, have largely gone unnoticed while they should be condemned by the West.

Where is the outrage and statements from the White House, State Department, the Congress and human rights organizations?

Tarlan Ahmadov
