Categories: 2019

Postanjyan: It is impossible to solve the case on March 1 without involving Levon Ter-Petrosyan in the process

Arminfo, Armenia
Feb 28 2019
Tatevik Shahunyan

ArmInfo.It is impossible to open the case on March 1, 2008 without the involvement of the first President Levon Ter-Petrosyan, who was at the time leading the  opposition movement. Zaruhi Postanjyan, leader of the Yerkir Tsirani  Party, said this at a press conference.

According to her, there was an originally planned scenario, according  to which there should have been victims during the opposition  rallies. <Ter-Petrosyan's goal in 2008 was not just a change of  government. If he wanted this, the change of power would have  happened on February 26, when those who came to the rally organized  in support of Serzh Sargsyan joined the opposition supporters. It was  a real power, on this day it was possible to force the authorities to  leave. But Ter-Petrosyan did not do this, he waited. His plan  included the events of March 1,> said Postanjyan.Already on March 1,  as Postanjyan assured, she, together with several political figures,  visited the headquarters of Ter-Petrosian, informing him that the  people gathered at the Myasnikyan monument require a meeting with  him: 

 Ter-Petrosyan refused to go, he said that it was not his people, he  did not gather them, it was a spontaneous rally, and he had nothing  to go there>.According to Postianjian, it was originally planned that  the first victim should have been a policeman. <And it would have  happened if our colleague Armen Martirosyan, who had been injured as  a result of the clashes, had not covered this policeman with his  body. Who were the people who intended to kill the policeman, is  still not established>, she said.Postianjian also found it strange  that during the clashes Ter-Petrosian's team did not arrive at the  scene. <It is clear that they led everything to ensure that there  were victims. I say this as an eyewitness to the events of March 1,>  said Postanjyan.

It should be noted that as a result of clashes at opposition rallies  that followed the 2008 presidential elections in Armenia, at which  Serj Sargsyan won de jure, 10 people were killed on March 1. The  investigation of the case is still ongoing. Within the framework of  the case, the second President of Armenia, Robert Kocharyan, and a  number of high-ranking officials of that time are being charged with  overthrowing the constitutional system.Recall that the current Prime  Minister Nikol Pashinyan was an active supporter of Levon  Ter-Petrosyan. After the events of March 1, 2008, Pashinyan was  convicted on charges of organizing mass riots for 7 years, and, after  serving 2 years, was released.

Varazdat Torgomian: