Categories: 2019

Constructive announcements of Armenian side, PM Pashinyan remain unresponded by Azerbaijan – MFA spokesperson

Constructive announcements of Armenian side, PM Pashinyan remain unresponded by Azerbaijan – MFA spokesperson



16:41, 9 March, 2019

YEREVAN, MARCH 9, ARMENPRESS. Armenia has always voiced about its committment to settle Nagorno Karabakh conflict exclusively peacefuly under the auspices of OSCE Minsk Group Co-chairs, where the security and status of Artsakh are priorities, ARMENPRESS reports spokesperson of the Foreign Ministry of Armenia Anna Naghdalyan said in a comment regarding Nagorno Karabakh peace process.

'In the recent period the announcments made by different Azerbaijani state officials over Nagorno Karabakh conflict settlement have significantly toughened. The use of force or the threat to use, military settlement, maximalist and un-constructive announcements are maximally emphasized, which is condemnable. And this is reflected also in the recent statement of the Co-chairs.

We hear from Baku phrases like 'The factor of force has always been and remains on our agenda', 'military factor plays a key role for the conflict settlement', 'Right comes from power' and so on. Moreover, in the light of the announcement about the planned meeting of the leaders of the countries Azerbaijan launches offensive exercises, that have not been notified and are against the international obligations.

Under the conditions that the Prime Minister of Armenia announces at the European Parliament about the necessity to bring the culture of dialogue, tolerance and mutual concessions to our region, we hear threats from Baku threats that they can prepare their public not to peace, but other methods of solving the conflict.

Such rhetoric, as well as maximalist and non-constructive announcements do not foster the creation of appropriate atmosphere for negotiations. Armenia has announced numerous times that it does not succumb to such approaches, as well as to the forceful negotiations under rifles.

Armenia has always voiced about it commitment and support for the exclusively peaceful conflict settlement under the format of the OSCE Minsk Group Co-chairs, where our priorities are the security and status of Artsakh. An excellent example of our commitment for peaceful settlement is that following the velvet revolution in Armenia the peace process did not stop, but obtained a new dynamic.

The establishment of atmosphere of peace, the mechanisms for reducing risks and preventing border incidents and the implementation of confidence-building measures, recorded in Dushanbe, as well as during the Vienna and St. Petersburg summits earlier, remain pivotal', reads the statement.

Edited and translated by Tigran Sirekanyan

Karapet Navasardian: