Categories: 2019

Rep. Costa Recognizes 31st Anniversary of Massacres Against Armenians in Sumgait

Targeted News Service
March 9, 2019 Saturday 8:38 PM EST
Rep. Costa Recognizes 31st Anniversary of Massacres Against Armenians in Sumgait
WASHINGTON, March 9 — Rep. Jim Costa, D-California, issued the following speech, which was published in the Congressional Record on March 7, recognizing the 31st anniversary of massacres against Armenians in Sumgait:
Madam Speaker, I rise today to recognize the thirty-first anniversary of the pogroms against people of Armenian descent in Sumgait, Azerbaijan.
In late February of 1988 the Armenian people of Nagomo Karabakh, more commonly known by its people and descendants as Artsakh, rose up in peaceful protest to demand their right to self-determination. This courageous call for equality and human dignity was met with murderous riots beginning on February 27, 1988, which lasted for three days. Scores of Armenians were killed, hundreds were wounded, and thousands were forced to leave their homes and livelihoods behind.
Undeterred by this oppression, the Armenian community and its dedication to democratic self-determination sparked a movement that finally helped bring an end to the dictatorship of the Soviet Union. The courage demonstrated by the people of Artsakh in demanding their rights even after all their adversity is admirable and should never be forgotten. The people of Artsakh continue to exhibit this strength and courage in the twenty-first century as they stride towards creating a better tomorrow.
On behalf of the thousands of Armenian Americans living in my congressional district, I ask my colleagues to stand with the people of Artsakh in remembering the lives lost during this tragic conflict. May their memory serve as a reminder for each and every one of us to continue advocating for human rights and democratic freedoms around the world.
Mary Lazarian: