Vank Church, most famous cathedral in Iran

Iran Daily
Vank Church, most famous cathedral in Iran
The Vank is one of the most famous cathedrals in Iran, and the largest in Isfahan Province, in central Iran. In terms of historical paintings and decorations, it is known as the most beautiful church in Isfahan.
It is a combination of Iranian and Armenian architecture, and this has made it a unique structure in the world, wrote.
The location of this church in the Jolfa district of Isfahan allows you to visit many cafés while looking at this magnificent work of art.
Anyone walking into Isfahan's Jolfa district will be enchanted by its special atmosphere.
Today, there are 13 churches in Isfahan, each of which has its own characteristics, but among them, the Vank is an exception.
The Vank Cathedral is dedicated to the hundreds of thousands of Armenians who were resettled by Shah Abbas I during the Ottoman War of 1603-1618.
The construction is believed to have begun in 1606 by the first arrivals, and completed with major alterations to design between 1655 and 1664, under the supervision of Archbishop David. The cathedral consists of a domed sanctuary, much like an Iranian mosque, but with the significant addition of a semi-octagonal apse and raised chancel usually seen in Western churches. The cathedral's exterior is in relatively modern brickwork and exceptionally plain, compared to its elaborately decorated interior.
As the most important church in Jolfa, the Vank has been a center for educating priests and has played the role of a Christian seminary. Many monks have been educated there and reached the highest religious positions.