Azerbaijani press: Expert: Russia won’t give in to Armenia in issue of reducing gas tariffs

18:17 (UTC+04:00)

Baku, Azerbaijan, March 19

By Matanat Nasibova – Trend:

The issue related to tariffs for Russian gas remains one of the most frequently discussed ones in the media in Armenia, Trend reports via Sputnik Armenia news agency.

The authorities of Armenia and the company Gazprom Armenia for two months given for making a decision didn’t agree on the issue of gas prices, according to the report.

“On Dec. 31, 2018, the company Gazprom Armenia issued a statement announcing an increase in gas prices at the border,” the report said. “It was noted that the company will continue working with the relevant agencies of the Armenian government on the structure of domestic gas tariffs.”

On Feb. 6 this year, answering the question of Sputnik Armenia, Deputy Director General of Gazprom Armenia Vakhtang Mirumyan stated that the preliminary terms of the discussions were determined – about two months from the moment of the company’s statement.

However, no results have been achieved on any agreements so far.

Sputnik Armenia also quotes Prime Minister of Armenia Nikol Pashinyan as saying that the government of Armenia won’t subsidize the price of natural gas for domestic consumers, and no shares or enterprises will be transferred in exchange.

Thus, following the Armenian-Russian negotiations, it was decided that gas prices will be at $165 per 1,000 cubic meters, instead of the previous $150.

In turn, well-known Russian expert, head of the Laboratory of Political and Social Technologies Aleksey Nezhivoy, commenting on possible solutions to this problem, told Trend that in the current situation Russia won’t give in to Armenia in this issue.

He said that Russia after the well-known events in Armenia will “exert pressure” over the new government in Armenia by its very non-flexible trading instruments.

“The outcome of such a policy can be deplorable for Armenia, which can very soon be left without support,” the Russian political analyst noted.