Categories: 2019

Kocharyan`s defense: We have clear information on who influences the judges and how, some names for the public will be surprises

Arminfo, Armenia
Tatevik Shahunyan

ArmInfo. We have clear information on who influences the judges and how, but for the time being we will not disclose information, I can only say that some  names for the public will be surprises. Hayk Alumyan, Lawyer of  second president of Armenia Robert Kocharyan announced at a press  conference.

He stressed that colossal illegal technologies were launched with the  sole purpose of keeping Kocharyan in captivity. "I can only say that  this cannot continue for a long time," Alumyan assured.

Speaking about yesterday's verdict, again leaving Kocharyan under  arrest, Alumian said that the court ignored all procedural norms:  "Any our argument could have served as a basis for releasing  Kocharyan to freedom, but the court ignored all norms and canons,"  the lawyer assured.

He noted that in his speech Kocharyan made one remark – the judge is  not obliged to be a hero these days.  "And indeed, with the pressure  that is now on the judges, you just need to be a hero to decide on  the abolition of the arrest," the lawyer said.

Alumyan considered the court's arguments about Kocharyan's detention  under arrest inconclusive. <It's clear to everyone that Kocharyan's  freedom will not hide from the investigation, he initially had such  an opportunity, but he voluntarily came to the investigating  authority. The second argument that Kocharyan can influence the  investigation is not convincing either, because there was a time when  he was free, but none of the investigators complained about his  influence on the process, " Alumyan explained.

Speaking about the application of Article 301 of the RA Criminal Code  (overthrow of the constitutional system) in relation to Kocharyan,  Alumyan considered it illegal. <Article 301 was toughened compared to  Article 300, which was in force in 2008. And, according to the RA  Criminal Code, if the article is tightened, then it does not have  retrospective force. As proof of my words, I will give an example of  the trial of 7 leaders of the protest movement of 2008, including the  current RA Ambassador to Denmark Alexander Arzumanyan. All of them  were accused of overthrowing the constitutional order, but after  article 300 was replaced by 301 and tightened, the court considered  that article 301 could not be applied to 7 defendants. We demand that  this provision be extended to Robert Kocharyan, who is also charged  under Article 301. However, the prosecutor is against it, and his  only argument is that he does not understand the motives of the  court, which did not make charges in relation to the seven charges  under Article 301, therefore he believes that this cannot be a  precedent in Kocharyan's case, "Alumyan explained.

To note, Kocharyan is accused of overthrowing the Constitution in the  framework of the March 1, 2008 case and of bribery on especially  large scale.

Aram Torosian: