Categories: 2019

Karabakh teen kills 10-year-old brother under influence of computer game?

News.am, Armenia
Karabakh teen kills 10-year-old brother under influence of computer game? Karabakh teen kills 10-year-old brother under influence of computer game?
09:37, 20.04.2019

Armenian News-NEWS.am has learned more about the murder of a 10-year-old in the Republic of Artsakh (Nagorno-Karabakh Republic/NKR).

According to preliminary information, the child was killed by his 17-year-old brother, and with particular brutality.

As per their relatives, the teen had killed his brother in the woods by inflicting him numerous injuries with knife and fork, then buried him in a pit, and then returned home.

According to the preliminary theory, the teenager had committed the crime under the influence of computer games.

Earlier, the Artsakh Police had informed Armenian News-NEWS.am that V. G. (born in 2009), a resident of Shahumyan Region of Artsakh, was killed on April 12.

Within the framework of the criminal case that was launched, his brother, S. G. (born in 2001), was detained on April 13, on suspicion of V. G.’s murder.

Expertise studies have been ordered.

The preliminary investigation is still in progress.

Garik Boshkezenian: