Sports: One more school in Armenia enjoying the perks of the CEV School Project

European Volleyball Confederation

Yerevan, Armenia, . The CEV School Project and the accompanying 'School Volley' festival was organised earlier this week in the city of Stepanakert in Armenia as the kids of the local primary school No. 7 enjoyed their day with Volleyball. The president of the Armenian Volleyball federation Hrachya Muradyan was also present on this occasion.

A total of 38 children from the sixth grade took part in the festivities and educational sessions led by the coaches from the Stepanakert Sports School – Gayane Melqumyan and Melania Mnacakanyan. Everybody was keen to learn the rules of our game and get their hands on the practical sessions – trying out various technical elements of Volleyball. The day concluded with a Volleyball game and gifting of the sport's equipment that the CEV is funding for all participants of the project to further develop the skills of the pupils.