Categories: 2019

168: “Man is capable of worst when he forgets what ties him with neighbors” – Emmanuel Macron’s Armenian Genocide Remembrance Day statement (photos)


President of France Emmanuel Macron has honored the memory of the Armenian Genocide victims on April 24 with the following statement:

“On April 24, we officially commemorate the memory of the Armenian Genocide victims, in order to remember that man is capable of doing the worst when he forgets what ties him with his neighbor, and in order to be coherent that history does not repeat its mistakes,” Macron tweeted.

Emmanuel Macron


Aujourd’hui, 24 avril, nous commémorons officiellement le génocide arménien, pour nous souvenir que l’Homme est capable du pire lorsqu’il oublie ce qui le lie à son prochain, et pour faire en sorte que l’Histoire ne répète pas ses erreurs.

Emmanuel Macron


La France regarde l’Histoire en face.
Comme je m’y suis engagé, dans les prochaines semaines, la France fera du 24 avril une journée de commémoration du génocide arménien.https://twitter.com/emmanuelmacron/status/958496146359508993 

3 475

23:52 – 24 апр. 2019 г.
Информация о рекламе в Твиттере и конфиденциальность
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On the 104th anniversary of the Armenian Genocide was commemorated at the Paris City Hall in participation of Mayor Anne Hidalgo. This year’s event was the first National Commemoration Day of the Armenian Genocide, an annual event that will take place after Macron’s decree on adding the remembrance day in the French national calendar.

Ani Kharatian: