Categories: 2019

Hay Dat Office in Europe criticized the House of Representatives of Belgium…

Arminfo, Armenia
Marianna Mkrtchyan

ArmInfo.Hay Dat Office in Europe criticized the House of Representatives of Belgium for deciding to exclude the Armenian Genocide from the resolution  criminalizing the denial of genocides.

"At its plenary meetings on April 24-25, 2019, the House of Representatives of Belgium discussed and adopted a law that, among other issues, also provides for  punishment for denying genocides such as the genocide in Rwanda and  the massacres in Srebrenica.  Despite the efforts of the Armenian  community of Belgium and several members The adopted text does not  provide for punishment for denying the Armenian Genocide. 

The decision of the Belgian Parliament to expel the Armenian Genocide  from the law is unacceptable and deeply disappointed "Europe's Caspar  Karampetyan stressed, while expressing regret that the Belgian  legislature ignored public opinion, numerous articles published in  leading Belgian media on the demands of human rights activists and  amendments made by parliamentarians.Karampetyan stressed that  tolerance for denial inspires authoritarian regimes similar to the  Erdogan regime and, unfortunately, gives the green light to  xenophobic anti-Armenian statements.He also pointed out the fact that  Belgium officially recognized the Armenian Genocide at three levels:  the House of Representatives, the Senate and the government, through  an official statement by Prime Minister Charles Michel. 

Arbi Tashjian: