Categories: 2019

NOC of Armenia made a statement in connection with the accusations of tax evasion by the Tsakhkadzor cableway

Arminfo, Armenia
Marianna Mkrtchyan

ArmInfo.The Armenian National Olympic Committee (NOC) of Armenia made a statement in connection with the criminal case about tax evasion on the side of the  Tsakhkadzor cable road.

Thus, according to the statement of the NOC, received by ArmInfo, the Olympic Committee will take all legal measures to restore the possible damage to the NOC, both in the already opened criminal case and in the direction of possible damage  as a shareholder in Larnatur LLC.The committee stated that the  accredited manager of LLC Lernatur had informed the NOC back in  April-May 2017 that the rope of the ropeway had broken and submitted  an invoice for the purchase of a new one, meanwhile it was found out  that the rope was not cut off, but only slightly damaged and did not  pose any threat.

The NOC stated that these unreasonable actions of the head of  Lernatur LLC caused damage to the committee in the amount of 117,500  euros, as a result of which they tightened control over the company's  activities, and in August the director of this company was relieved  of his post. "A new head was appointed to this position, after which  it became clear that Lernatur's revenues were disproportionately  larger than it seemed," the NOC said, informing that it was decided  to monitor the activities of the Tsakhkadzor ropeway after the  internal monitoring of the winter season 2018-19. roads, in  connection with which on February 14 of the current year an agreement  was signed between the committee and the licensed audit company."The  auditing company recorded inconsistencies and lack of reporting for  the period from 2009-2016, and disproportion of income for the period  from 2009-2016 and 2017-2018, and addressed proposals to the NOC to  initiate actions to protect their own interests and repair the  damage. 

Considering the above, and the fact that the NOC must receive 50% of  the profits from the operation of the cable car, being also the owner  of 50% of the shares of Lernatur (i.e., the NOC has the right to  receive 75% of the net profit), the Olympic Committee will initiate  all legal means to recover of the damage ", – stressed in the NOC of  Armenia.Recall, according to the RA General Prosecutor's Office, as a  result of non- payment of taxes during the operation of the cableway  in Tsakhkadzor, the state suffered damage in the amount of over 476  million drams (over 980 thousand dollars). In fact a criminal case.  In 2005, the NOC transferred the cableway to the trust management,  first one and then from 2008 to the present – to another limited  liability company. These companies in the years 2005-2017. presented  a turnover totaling about 496 million drams, meanwhile, only in 2018  the turnover of the cableway was 537 million drams or 40 million  drams more than in the past 12 years combined.

Bedik Zaminian: