Categories: 2019

Armenians march in Sydney calling on Australia government to recognize Armenian Genocide

News.am, Armenia
Armenians march in Sydney calling on Australia government to recognize Armenian Genocide Armenians march in Sydney calling on Australia government to recognize Armenian Genocide
14:46, 29.04.2019

Up to 1000 demonstrators participated in the action calling on the government to recognize the Armenian Genocide.

The demonstrators directed their protest to Prime Minister Scott Morrison who, despite previously referring to the mass killings as genocide, now stops short of using the term, Associated Press Australia reported. 

The protesters were carrying “Turkey is guilty of Armenian genocide” and “Recognise the Armenian genocide” signs.

Speaking during a press conference, PM Morrison said he is not using the word genocide because he “represents the views of the country” and he spoke previously as a “private citizen”.

New South Wales Premier Gladys Berejiklian earlier this week renewed calls for the government to formally recognize the genocide.

“Denial allows genocidal states to commit these heinous crimes in the belief they will escape the consequences,” she said.

Emil Karabekian: