Erdogan’s Hate Speech on Armenian Genocide

Title: Erdogan’s Hate Speech on Armenian Genocide

Federation of Armenian Organisations in The Netherlands (FAON)

Address: Weesperstraat 91 – 2574 VS The Hague, The Netherlands


E-mail: [email protected]

Press Release

Erdogan’s Statements Are Dangerous and Unacceptable

Watch out Holland: Silence is equivalent to consent!

The Hague, –
The Federation of Armenian Organisations in the Netherlands (FAON) has called upon the Dutch government and parliament to strongly condemn Erdogan’s recent statements on the Armenian Genocide on 24 April 2019.

In a speech on the 24th of April Erdogan held an unprecedented rant. He spoke of the 1.5 million victims, Armenian children, women and elderly, in terms of ”Armenian gangs that massacred the Muslim people”, making the deportations of Armenians ”the most reasonable action”. He addressed France with hatred, where since this year the 24th of April is a national day of commemoration of the Armenian genocide.

Alteration and denial of the facts around the Armenian Genocide have been at the heart of Turkey’s denial policy for decades. Like the Dutch government, many have presumed to show a positive development trough vague statements about ”compassion with Armenians” from Turkey, but the recent comments show not only that the policy of denial has not changed, but as well that Erdogan will not hesitate to spread hate over the backs of innocent victims. This is a dangerous and unacceptable fact.

In the Netherlands, the Armenian community contrastingly tries to preserve the memory of the victims of the Genocide in a peaceful and rightful manner. Accordingly, the Turkish community is taken into consideration and, where possible, actively involved, such as during the national commemoration this year in Assen on Wednesday, 24 April, where a joint wreath-laying took place by Armenian, Turkish and Kurdish youth.

At the resumption of the diplomatic relations between Turkey and the Netherlands, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Netherlands Mr. Stef Blok spoke of the many pillars on which these relations are built. It should be expected that the Netherlands will strongly condemn the flagrant denial expressed in these statements and address Turkey on this matter.

The FAON points out that in 2004 the House of Representatives had already instructed the government to put the recognition of the Armenian Genocide on the agenda during each negotiation with Turkey. An appropriate response would be in line with this assignment. This is a matter that the government cannot remain silent. Silence is equivalent to consent!