Music: Armenia’s Eduard Topchjan to conduct Zagreb Philharmonic Orchestra in Italy

Panorama, Armenia
May 6 2019
Culture 11:44 06/05/2019 Armenia

Artistic Director and Principal Conductor of the Armenian National Philharmonic Orchestra Eduard Topchjan will conduct the Zagreb Philharmonic Orchestra on the sidelines of the Italian Festival Pianistico Internazionale di Brescia e Bergamo 2019.

Topchjan is one of the frequent guests of this prestigious festival. This year he will perform with Hungarian violinist Roby Lakatos, the orchestra said on Facebook.

The concerts are scheduled to take place on May 12 and 13 in Teatro Grande (Brescia, Italy) and Teatro Sociale (Bergamo, Italy). The program includes Liszt’s Hungarian Rhapsodies No. 1 and No. 2 (the arrangement for the orchestra), Les Preludes, Symphonic Poem No. 3, as well as Brahms’ Hungarian Dances.

The Italian festival is one of the major musical events in the world and is especially dedicated to the piano, both as a solo instrument and as a partner with the orchestral.