Categories: 2019

Asbarez: Annual Tribute to Maria Jacobsen Held in Solvang

Annual tribute to Maria Jacobsen

SOLVANG, Calif.,—By the initiative of the Friends of Maria Jacobsen Committee, the annual tribute to Maria Jacobsen was held at Bethania Lutheran Church in Solvang. The event, which took place on Sunday, May 5, was in honor of Maria Jacobson, the founder of the Bird’s Nest Orphanage in Jbeil, Lebanon.

On behalf of Western Prelate Archbishop Moushegh Mardirossian, Rev. Movses Shannakian participated in the commemoration.

Rev. Movses Shannakian

The program began with prayer in front of the Maria Jacobsen bust in the church courtyard. Committee Chair Dr. Garbis Der Yeghiayan welcomed and thanked the guests for their participation.

Rev. Movses conveyed the Prelate’s message, conveying gratitude to Maria Jacobsen and all humanitarians who saved and cared for orphans of the Armenian Genocide. Pastor Christ Brown expressed his appreciation for the tribute and affirmed that his church is always open to this and similar events. The program also included cultural performances.

The tribute concluded with the singing of “Cilicia” after which attended were hosted to lunch by the organizing committee.

Samvel Nahapetian: