Categories: 2019

Culture: Plays by Iranian writers published in Armenian

Tehran Times, Iran
May 8 2019
  1. Culture
May 8, 2019

TEHRAN – Ten plays by Iranian writers have been published in Armenian in a book titled “Contemporary Iranian Plays”, the Iranian Theater Forum announced on Tuesday.

Among the plays are Ali Abedi’s “Horsefly” translated by Georg Asaturian and Milad Akbarnejad’s “Shakespeare in Love 2001” rendered by Emma Begijanian.

The collection also includes Sahra Ramezanian’s “Vazarik Has Died” and Mohammad Yaqubi’s “Winter 66”, both translated by Nune Hovhannisyan.

Hovhannisyan is also the translator of Mohammad Rahmanian’s “Bombardment Hour” and “A Play for You”, both of which have originally been published in a single book.  

The book also carries “Dream Room” by Afruz Foruzandeh, “A Call from Across the Line” by Behzad Sediqi, “The Club-Wielders of Varazil” by Gholamhossein Saedi and “The Wall” by Sharam Karami, all translated by Edward Haghverdian. 

“Contemporary Iranian Plays” has been published by the forum in collaboration with the Writers Union of Armenia.  

Photo: Front cover of the “Contemporary Iranian Plays”.


Parkev Tvankchian: