Bill 97 – May 9th Second Reading Details

Dear All, 
Please find attached the details of the Second Reading of Bill 97 in the Legislative Assembly of Ontario.  
1- Press Release.
2- Transcript of the debate in the House.
3- Text of the Bill
4- Photos

Aris PR Second Reading May 9.docx


Hansard Transcript Second Reading.docx


Bill 97 Hansrad.pdf

May 9 Second Reading Group Photo Large.jpg

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May 9 Second Reading Photo INTERVIEW OMNI.jpg

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May 9 Second Reading Photo Tamil.jpg

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May 9 Second Reading Photo Greek.jpg

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May 9 Second Reading Photo Mix Group 2.jpg

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May 9 Second Reading Photo Rawanda .jpg

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May 9 Second Reading ALPHA 2.jpg

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