Categories: 2019

Mnatsakanyan: Armenia has its own expectations regarding the start date of the dialogue between Armenia and the EU on the liberalization of the visa regime

Arminfo, Armenia
Marianna Mkrtchyan

ArmInfo. Armenia has its own expectations regarding the timing of the start of the dialogue between Armenia and the EU on the liberalization of the visa regime.  Armenian Foreign Minister Zohrab Mnatsakanyan said this in an  interview with ArmNews.

According to his assessment, Yerevan successfully and effectively  fulfills its obligations under the agreements on visa facilitation  and readmission, and insists that the time has come for the start of  the second stage – the start of a dialogue on visa liberalization.  However, according to him, there are indirect reasons, not connected  with Armenia, which are slowing down this process, in particular  migration flows to Europe and the attitude of the European population  to this. "But, we continue to insist that it is necessary to take a  differentiated approach, and in the decision-making process about the  beginning of a dialogue, do not proceed from reasons that are not  directly related to Armenia. We are convinced of the need to start a  dialogue as soon as possible and continue to insist on it, however,  discussions on this issue should be discussed in a number of European  structures, "the Armenian Foreign Minister emphasized.

Touching upon the process of ratification of the Comprehensive and  Enhanced Partnership Agreement (CEPA) Mnatsakanyan assured that he  did not see any preconditions for deliberately delaying the  ratification process with political or other implications. According  to him, the ratification process depends on the peculiarities of the  legislation of each of the EU member states, and somewhere this  process takes place more quickly, and somewhere it does not. At the  same time, he pointed out the importance of this document from the  point of view of the development of relations between Armenia and the  EU. Mnatsakanyan stated that CEPA is a multifaceted and comprehensive  document covering almost all sectors of life, and which will allow to  bring cooperation to a new level. He also expressed the conviction  that a roadmap of cooperation would be approved in June of this year. 

Vatche Chakhmakhchian: