Categories: 2019

Iran home to Armenian manuscript that is the smallest in the world

PanArmenian, Armenia

PanARMENIAN.Net – Armenian Vank Cathedral in Iran is home to the world's smallest manuscript that Armenian miniaturists have written in seven languages, IFP reports.

The Vank Cathedral, located in the New Julfa District of Isfahan, is considered one of the most beautiful churches in Iran, with historical paintings covering its ceilings and walls.

In the courtyard of the Vank Church, there is the museum and library, which has more than 700 manuscripts in Armenian and European languages common in the Middle Ages.

The ancient book weighs only 0.7 grams, has 14 pages and features the Lord's prayer in English, German, Dutch and other languages.

Built in 1606, the cathedral was dedicated to the hundreds of thousands of Armenian deportees who were resettled by Shah Abbas I during the Ottoman War of 1603-1618.

Meline Chalian: