PM Meets UK Prime Minister’s Trade Envoy to Georgia and Armenia

Georgia Today

Georgian Prime Minister Mamuka Bakhtadze and United Kingdom Prime Minister's Trade Envoy to Georgia and Armenia Mark Pritchard had a meeting on Thursday.

The political, economic, and trade relations between Georgia and the United Kingdom were the main topics discussed during the meeting.

Further development of the relations between the two countries and prospects of deeper trade ties were also noted. The parties discussed Georgia's role as one of the leading Black Sea countries.

Georgia's beneficial investment environment and the growing interest of British companies in Georgia were underlined by the sides.

In addition, the parties spoke about the reforms initiated by the Prime Minister of Georgia. The British side commended the establishment of the Office of Deputy Minister of Economy for Investments who will maintain single-window communication with investors.
The discussion also touched on the ongoing and planned reforms designed to boost Georgia's economic growth, enhance the quality of education, and develop human capital.

By Thea Morrison