Categories: 2019

What are ‘anti-Soros people’ trying to say?

Aravot, Armenia
June 5 2019
What are 'anti-Soros people' trying to say?
 by Aram Abrahamyan
[Armenian News note: the below is translated from the Russian edition of Aravot]
I have heard talk about "Western conspiracies" since long ago. Back in 1996, the [Armenian] government were sure that the special services of a number of countries were trying to destabilise the situation and worsen our relations with Russia through Vazgen Manukyan [opposition candidate in the 1996 presidential election] and the NDU [National Democratic Union led by Manukyan]. Later, "Western conspirators" were called "Sorosovtsy [followers of George Soros], implying not only the Open Society Institute, but also any other organisation emerging "from that side" for the purpose of destroying our nation.
However, what is my vision of the real situation? Of course, the West is working in Armenia in its own interests. At the same time, the term "West" has multiple layers. The interests of the USA and EU in our country may fail to fully coincide. Moreover, France and, say, Poland also seem to be pursuing various objectives in Armenia. The Soros Foundation and others also pursue the interests of certain circles in the West. It would be extremely naive to think that any country or organisation acts purely on the basis of altruism in specific issues. It is not ruled out that weakening Russia's influence in the South Caucasus may be one of their purposes.
However, Russia is also working in our country. Of course, it is doing this in its own manner, resorting to more uncouth and not so transparent methods, but it is working in compliance with its own interests.
We must admit that all this is no sensation and it is not the case of efforts of various centres being exposed in 2018. However, why did "anti-Soros" sentiments rise precisely now?
If those, who have such sentiments, want to say that the revolution last year was organised by Soros' followers, this is a blatant lie. Dissatisfaction with the previous government was enormous and no external interference was necessary to stir it up.
If they are trying to say that many incumbent MPs and officials used to have connections with these foundations, this will be true and quite natural too: People wanted to be involved in public activities and be active as citizens without becoming "young Republicans" or "hawks".
If those "opposed to Soros" want to say that some officials and MPs have been "brainwashed" in Western educational centres and foundations, there is some truth in this. However, in that case, it is necessary to specify what these ideas are.
If they imply fair elections, freedom of speech, and political pluralism, I personally support these ideas irrespective of any "Soroses". There are people, who are against these ideas, but they will never admit this.
This is why they are searching for some conspiracies.
David Nargizian: