Categories: 2019

Sports: Bako Sahakyan was present at the final of CONIFA European Football Cup and the solemn closing ceremony of the tournament

Arminfo, Armenia
Marianna Mkrtchyan

ArmInfo. On 9 June Artsakh Republic President Bako Sahakyan was present at the final of the Confederation of Independent Football Associations (CONIFA) European  Football Cup and the solemn closing ceremony of the tournament, the  press service of the Artsakh President informs. 

To note, the final match of the European Championship among  Confederation of Independent Football Associations (CONIFA) took  place yesterday in Stepanakert, in which teams from Western Armenia  and South Ossetia fought. The team of South Ossetia won the match,  Western Armenia is on the second place.  Bronze medals of the  championship went to the national team of Abkhazia, and Chameria team  was on the fourth place. The hosts of the championship – the national  team of Artsakh – took the fifth place, the sixth place went to the  national team of Padania, the 7th place went to the Sapmi team, and  the national team of the Szeklerland closed the standings.

Hagop Kamalian: