Azerbaijani press: MFA: Armenia confirms being invader state by awarding those responsible for death of Azerbaijani soldier

09:10 (UTC+04:00)

Baku, Azerbaijan, June 11


There's a big confusion in the enemy forces camp regarding who controls whom, said head of the press service of Azerbaijan’s Foreign Ministry Leyla Abdullayeva.

Her remarks came in response to a report by the press service of the Armenian Ministry of Defense, which stated that the minister presented members of the personnel of the Armenian armed forces involved in the killing of an Azerbaijani soldier to high awards, Trend reports.

"It is clear that the leadership of Armenia, spreading false statements, is trying to evade responsibility. The Minister of Defense of this country, personally awarding the persons who executed his order on the killing of Azerbaijani soldier, thereby confirms that Armenia is an invader state," she said.

Abdullayeva said that this is an obvious evidence of the direct participation of the Armenian armed forces in the occupation of Azerbaijani territories.

Abdullayeva noted that this act of the Armenian Defense Minister also clearly demonstrates that Armenia is deceiving international mediators and shows a clear disregard for them.

"We would like to remind that during the visit of the OSCE Minsk Group co-chairs to the region, the Armenian armed forces staged a bloody provocation using sniper fire and again committed a bloody crime a few days after the co-chairs made a statement in connection with their visit to the region. With regret, we are forced to note that it was precisely as a result of the irresponsible behavior of Armenia that the region is on the verge of increasing tensions," said the official.

"These provocations committed by war supporters in Armenia are an attempt to strike at the essence of the negotiations, being conducted to resolve the conflict. We emphasize once again that the entire responsibility for the development of events in this direction lies on the Armenian side," she said.