Asbarez: Portantino Authors Bill to Help GCC Offset April 24 Closure Costs

California State Senator Anthony Portantino

SACRAMENTO—At the request of Glendale Community College, Senator Anthony J. Portantino introduced legislation to help the college offset revenue losses associated with closing on April 24th. This date is important to the Armenian community as it commemorates the Armenian Genocide.

The Glendale Unified School District and Glendale Community College close on this day. The problem is that under current education code, the GUSD does not lose funding as it can substitute another school day to cover the Average Daily Attendance and revenue losses. GCC, however, cannot afford to close on this day due to the negative budgetary impact. Senator Portantino hopes to resolve this issue through legislative efforts.

“Glendale Community College should not be penalized by the State of California for closing on April 24th. This is a solemn day that deeply affects students and families within our community, and my hope is that this change to state law will help solve this problem. When I was approached by GCC Board Members, I promised that I would do my best to correct this unacceptable situation,” commented Senator Portantino.

Senator Portantino, who has a long relationship with the Armenian American Community and Glendale Community College, has participated in negotiations with the Chancellor’s Office for the last two years to solve this issue.

“Glendale Community College will forever remember the fallen martyrs on April 24th. We are grateful to our good friend Senator Portantino for taking up our cause. One thing is clear, whether the state reimburses us or allows us to substitute revenue from another day or does not, our school will close on this date. It is beneficial to our college community to have a Senator who deeply understands our issues and priorities. We are hopeful and thankful for this legislative effort,” added Dr. Vahe Peroomian, Glendale Community College Board President.