45 Vying for Sinanyan’s Council Position

45 people are vying for the vacant seat on Glendale City Council

GLENDALE—On June 11, after bidding farewell to City Councilman Zareh Sinanyan, who resigned his seat to take a position in the Armenian government, the Glendale City Council decided to fill the vacancy through an appointment and not call a special election, which reportedly could cost taxpayers upward of a million dollars.

According to MyGlendale.com, the city council opened an application process, emphasizing that the only qualification for the vacant position was being a registered voter and a resident of the City of Glendale.

The Council did state that they did not wish to give a potential candidate for the 2020 March election the leg up, however they stopped short of completely disqualifying those considering a run for the March elections. As of 5 p.m. on June 17, which was the application deadline, 45 individuals had applied to fill the vacant post.

The Glendale City Council will appoint a replacement for Sinanyan’s vacant seat during a special council meeting at 10 a.m. Friday.

Below is the list of the 45 applicants, whose complete applications are available online. https://www.ci.glendale.ca.us/government/council_packets/CC_HA_062119/CC_SpMtg_Item1_062119.pdf

1. Alvarez, Adrian
2. Amirian, Zareh
3. Armenian, Zanku
4. Avedian, Nejdeh
5. Brooks, Beth
6. Brotman, Dan
7. Castillo, Nelson A.
8. Christopher-Jilizian, Julie 9
. Coshland, Robert
1O.Culver, Burt
11.Dadian, Rostom
12.De La Cruz, Juan
13.Fiaga, Linda
14.GaIlo, Frank
15. Gevorkyan, Nelson
16.Gharibian, Ronnie
17. Harris, Victor
18.Hatamian, Ara
19. Hays, Bonnie
20. Johnson, Danielle D. (Donut Socialite)
21.Kaplan, Kenneth
22. Karaoghlanian, Armen
23. Kassakhian, Ardashes
24. Keurogelian, Chahe
25. Krikorian, Raffy
26.Kwak, Karen (Jae Eun)
27. Lamb, Christy
28. Legino, Steve (Lily La Rocco)
29. Lizagub, Taron
30. Magpapian, Manuel
31. Manoukian, Leonard
32. Marlis, Beth
33. Michals, Grant
34.Ordubegian, Andre
35.Quinonez Gabrielian, Anita
36. Quintero, Frank
37. Reed, Annie
38.Sadd, Louie
39. Samuel, John
40. Sanchez, Joseph
41.Solis, Lenore
42. Van Gorder, Mike
43.Zarokian, Adrineh “Audry”
44. Hovhannisyan, Samvel LV ‘BIT 2
45. Renn, Charles C.