Tusk: EU-Armenia deal an ‘ambitious’ agreement that supports Armenia’s modernization

Panorama, Armenia

“My visit is proof of the importance that the EU attaches to our relations with Armenia and the region. Our discussion today highlighted the effective implementation of our partnership agreement, an ambitious agreement that supports Armenia's modernization,” President of the European Council Donald Tusk said at a joint news conference with Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan in Yerevan on Wednesday.

The top European official said the EU will continue providing technical and financial assistance for the implementation of the document.

Tusk attached importance to the rule of law, fight against corruption and respect for human rights.

“The EU welcomes the focus on creating an independent, efficient and accountable judicial system. A solid judiciary is an essential element of a mature democracy and for economic and social development. Also, here the EU will continue to support with expertise and mobilize further resources,” he said.

The European Council chief said he has discussed the establishment of a specialized anti-corruption commission with the Armenia PM.

“In recognition of the government's reform efforts, the EU has almost doubled our support to Armenia in 2019. These funds will help to implement priority projects, including infrastructure and environment,” he said.

In this context, Tusk said he is looking forward to visiting Lake Sevan later today, where the EU will support water management, as agreed during the recent visit of Pashinyan in Brussels.

“And I will have the opportunity to visit Sevanavank, a monument that testifies to Armenia's millennia-old imprint on Europe’s culture” he said.

Tusk didn’t touch upon the EU-Armenia visa liberalization issue addressed by the Armenian premier in his statement.

Tusk arrived in Yerevan as part of a regional visit. He was in Azerbaijan on Tuesday and is set to visit Georgia on Thursday to attend an international conference marking the 10th anniversary of Eastern Partnership.

The European official is also expected to meet with the Armenian president in Yerevan.