Categories: 2019

Armenia put on list of countries that produce most waste

News.am, Armenia
Armenia put on list of countries that produce most waste Armenia put on list of countries that produce most waste
15:13, 15.07.2019

Armenia is included in the list of countries producing the most waste per capita, USA Today reported. 

According to a study conducted by Tempo, Canada ranked first, leaving behind Bulgaria and US.

Every citizen of Canada accounts for 36 tons of garbage per year. In Bulgaria, each citizen accounts for 26.7 tons of garbage per year, and in the United States – 26 tons, the source noted.

Armenia ranked sixth. For every citizen of Armenia accounted for 16.3 tons of garbage per year.

According to the source, in 2014, Armenia produced almost 493,000 tons of municipal waste.

“Armenia produces relatively little municipal waste, with nearly 493,000 tons in 2014. It also ranks among the countries producing the least amount of agricultural and construction waste. However, what contributes to Armenia’s rank among the world's biggest producers of waste is the huge amount of industrial waste it produces. Of the nearly 48 million tons of total waste the country produces, 47.3 million is industrial,” the source noted.

The list also includes Estonia (23.5 tons), Finland (16.6 tons), Sweden (16.2 tons), Luxembourg (11.8 tons), Ukraine (10.6 tons), Serbia (8.9 tons).

Ara Felekian: