Categories: 2019

Syria Received 100 Tons of Humanitarian Aid from Armenia

Prensa Latina
Syria Received 100 Tons of Humanitarian Aid from Armenia
Damascus, Jul 16 (Prensa Latina) Syria has received 100 tons of humanitarian aid offered by the Government of Armenia, officila sources reported Tuesday in Damascus.
An Ilyushin Il-76 plane loaded with Armenian humanitarian aid landed in the Russian air base of Hemeymim, in the province of Latakia, reported the newspaper Al-Watan.
It added that 100 tons of Armenian assistance arrived in Syria in three flights, and includes wheat, rice, cereals, oil and basic aid material that will be distributed to Syrian families in need.
Armenia had sent a brigade of doctors and deminers to Aleppo province, where there is an Armenian community of more than 100 people.
Ara Felekian: