MP: Government’s further decisions on Amulsar should be based on PM’s position expressed last year

Panorama, Armenia
Aug 16 2019

The Armenian government’s further decision on Amulsar gold mine, owned and operated by Lydian Armenia, should be based on a statement of Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan made last year, lawmaker Ruben Rubinyan said on Facebook.

Rubinyan, who also heads the parliament’s standing committee on foreign affairs, citied the PM’s 15 September statement which called for an audit on the Amulsar gold mine project to find out whether or not it poses serious environmental risks.

“If it turns out to be safe for Lake Sevan, Jermuk waters and water reservoir we will allow the mine to be operated, if not we will choose a different way,” the PM said.

The lawmaker insists it is a clear stance and promise, and now when the audit, published by Armenia’s Investigative Committee on Wednesday, found that the environmental risks of the mine exploitation are manageable, the government’s further decisions should stem from the PM’s position expressed last September.

“The issue should be resolved on the bases of the evaluation of facts, losses, achievements and political promises, but not on emotions,” the MP concluded.

Earlier on Thursday, a group of environmental activists staged a protest outside the government building against the renewed operation of the gold mine, claiming the audit is incomplete and the mine project would cause a serous danger to the environment.