Categories: 2019

Iran-born businessman asks Armenia PM for assistance

News.am, Armenia
Aug 17 2019
Iran-born businessman asks Armenia PM for assistance Iran-born businessman asks Armenia PM for assistance
16:26, 17.08.2019

A businessman participating in Saturday’s “My Step for Kotayk Province” business investment forum in Tsakhkadzor, Armenia, presented to Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan a banking-sector problem that hinders their activities.

This Iranian-born businessman noted that there are banking issues for Iranian-born Armenians, since they are subject to US sanctions. But at the same time, he noted that, for example, Iranians living in the US do not have these problems, whereas Iranians living in Armenia—do.

Pashinyan noted that there is an important nuance in what this businessman was saying, and that we need to understand exactly what this is about.

“The [Armenian] government doesn’t interfere—at least negatively—in any way on this matter,” he said. “Banks are private companies, they also have foreign shareholders, and the government can’t interfere (…), especially in giving-not giving a loan.

“But months ago when there were problems also with our compatriots who are the citizens of Iran, the government started communication with the banking system, so that we could maximally protect the interests of our citizens so they would not be discriminated against.

“In terms of protecting against discrimination, the government can of course understand, record that if there is a case of discrimination, it can also take some action that stems from it.”

Hovik Karapetian: