Categories: 2019

Garo Paylan, Ebru Günay Address Argentine National Congress

Ebru Günay (left) and Garo Paylan delivered statements at the Argentine National Congress

ARGENTINA (Prensa Armenia)—Garo Paylan and Ebru Günay of the Peoples’ Democratic Party (HDP) of Turkey delivered strong statements during a conference at the National Congress of Argentina on Wednesday.

“The same genocide against the Armenians 105 years ago could be repeated today against the Kurds,” stated Garo Paylan. “I am very grateful for Argentina’s recognition of the Armenian Genocide. Many countries recognized it, but did this stop our pain? We will achieve justice when the Turkish Parliament recognizes the Armenian Genocide,” added the Paylan. “Only a truly democratic Turkey will recognize the genocide against the Armenian people.”

Ebru Günay said that the HDP party has gender parity and that those accused of gender violence or those who exercise polygamy are not allowed to participate in it. “We are fighting for women in a region where patriarchy is very strong,” noted Günay. “It is very difficult to fight for the rights of different peoples in an almost fascist environment.”

Garo Paylan and Ebru Günay are participating in a tour in South America that includes Uruguay, Argentina, Chile and Brazil. They met with Uruguayan Vice President Lucia Topolansky and former President Jose “Pepe” Mujica between August 13 and 14.

Hagop Kamalian: