Expert: By changing the statement of Amulsar`s problem, Pashinyan will overthrow the game imposed on Armenia

Arminfo, Armenia
Aug 28 2019
David Stepanyan

ArmInfo. Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan needs to change the statement of the Amulsar problem. By doing this, he would not only overthrow the game imposed on  Armenia, but instead of the seemingly inevitable defeat, would gain  victory and even a qualitative advantage. This is quite possible.  Expert in the field of national security Hrachya Arzumanyan expressed  a similar opinion to ArmInfo.

"In his recent speeches regarding Amulsar problem, the Armenian  leader finally says what he should say, rather than trying to guess  the opinion and mood of the centers of power. Here it becomes  critically important who screwed over the Prime Minister of Armenia,  who threw him into an impossible dilemma. In light of the fact that  the problem and choice seem impossible and losing, regardless of  which option is selected, the prime minister needs to change the  problem statement, "he said.

Stressing the impossibility of giving specific recommendations in  conditions when he is not part of the team and does not directly  affect the system of development and decision-making by the new  government, Arzumanyan emphasizes only the methodology. "I don't know  their reason, what influences them, etc., respectively, I can't talk  about the specifics. It would be unprofessional. But if we talk about  the methodology, then in case of facing with the lack of good options  in developing solutions, it seems necessary to change the statement  of the problem, to build another projection of the problem, "the  expert is convinced.

Considering that Amulsar's problem that has already turned into a  public and political one is caused by the contradictions between  investments and the environment, Arzumanyan advises the authorities  to reformulate the problem as a socio-political one and seek,  respectively, political and public answers and solutions. Given that  Pashinyan himself and his power rests solely on the support of  society, it is precisely his ability to reformulate the problem as  public and social one that will allow him to sharply raise at least  his own rating.  Having demonstrated that he remains a nationwide  public and political figure, the ability to form a public rather than  a bureaucratic response to the challenges of society, Pashinyan,  according to expert forecasts, will make the situation in Armenia  more stable and developing.  "Thus, a local loss in the form of the  loss of one particular investment will be won back by creating the  right atmosphere in the society that will make the investment climate  in Armenia better. Money and business love silence and  predictability. Having demonstrated the principles supported by the  whole society, Armenia will thereby be perceived as a more stable,  sustainable and predictable country and society, rather than a  post-Soviet colony, the next step will be taken towards Armenia's  return to the world political system as an responsible real actor,  "Arzumanyan summed up.