Categories: 2019

View from Baku: Neither Armenia nor Azerbaijan decides anything. Everything is decided by Russia

Arminfo, Armenia
Sept 3 2019
David Stepanyan

ArmInfo.By and large, neither Armenia nor Azerbaijan solve anything in the settlement of the Karabakh problem. Everything is decided by Russia. Azerbaijani  political scientist Zardusht Alizadeh expressed a similar opinion to  ArmInfo.

"In this light, whether the next meeting of our foreign ministers  will take place or not is just a matter of secondary importance. It  is clear that if there is no war, then negotiations should be held.  The Azerbaijani Foreign Ministry declares the possibility of  escalation of the conflict in view of the recent statement by the  Armenian Prime Minister Pashinyan on Karabakh being part of Armenia.  However, in my opinion, in reality, only Moscow can make a decision  on such an escalation, "he said.  However, in view of Yerevan's  obvious efforts to strengthen relations with Moscow, Russia,  according to Alizadeh, has no clear reasons for signaling a new  escalation of the conflict. In this light, he believes that  negotiations will continue.

On August 29, Armenian Foreign Minister Zohrab Mnatsakanyan told  reporters about his upcoming meeting with his Azerbaijani counterpart  Elmar Mammadyarov. According to him, the meeting is planned to be  held in the near future. The date of the meeting is being clarified.

According to Alizadeh, the next round of negotiations on the Karabakh  conflict settlement is the result of the lack of resources in Armenia  to legitimize the status of regions conquered from Azerbaijan. The  political scientist is convinced that today everyone understands  this, including the Armenians themselves.  On the other hand,  Azerbaijan, in turn, has no resources and opportunities to win the  war with Armenia. In this light, the political scientist predicts the  continuation of meaningless negotiations as long as it will be  beneficial to Moscow.

Since 1992, the OSCE Minsk Group, represented by the co-chairs from  Russia, the USA and France, has been engaged in the settlement of the  Karabakh conflict. Currently, the settlement process is nominally  taking place based on the Madrid Principles put forward by the OSCE  Minsk Group co-chairs in 2007 and updated in 2009.

Antranik Varosian: