"If today we illegally close the Amulsar mine, tomorrow we will start closing the media, and then the enterprises. Then we will begin to misappropriate everything" – Pashinyan

Arminfo, Armenia
Sept 11 2019
Naira Badalian

ArmInfo. "If today we  illegally close the Amulsar mine, tomorrow we will begin to close the  media, then enterprises. Then we will begin to misappropriate  everything.

We are not going to follow this path," Armenian Prime  Minister Nikol Pashinyan stated on September 11 during a government  hour in parliament, to the question of the MP about why Pashinyan  "shares political responsibility for the license issued by the former  criminal regime of the" Lydian "company, thus" going against  revolutionary promises. "

"And why do you share political responsibility with the previous  criminal regime by agreeing to a parliamentary mandate formed on the  basis of the Electoral Code adopted under the same regime?" The prime  minister asked.

According to him, in connection with Amulsar today there are  questions that can be answered by the checks outlined by the  inspection body. "My answer in this and other questions is  unequivocal – the decision should be legal, since we are talking  about a rule of law," he said.  As the prime minister pointed out,  his priority has been and remains – state and national interest. "My  position on Amulsar is that in any case, we should be guided by the  truth, without a presumption as to what it should be," Pashinyan  said.