Asbarez: Ardy Kassakhian Announces Campaign for Glendale City Council

Ardashes “Ardy” Kassakhian

GLENDALE—This week, longtime Glendale City Clerk Ardashes “Ardy” Kassakhian announced his campaign for Glendale City Council. Kassakhian, who was elected as City Clerk in 2005, made his announcement through an email to his supporters and friends. The email is available below.

Dear Friends and Neighbors,

When my wife and I became parents five years ago, we quickly learned that being a parent and raising a child is both the hardest and simultaneously most important job we will ever have. It’s been a great blessing to raise our son in the city of Glendale – the same city I grew up in. As a parent and your elected city clerk, I ask myself everyday, “What can I do to leave a brighter future for my child and to coming generations?”

Like many of you, I have watched our nation divide itself along political lines, and I cannot sit back and watch the impact it is having both nationally and locally, without rolling up my sleeves to bring common sense solutions to the challenges we face. Many of you have encouraged, urged and asked that I run for city council and I took all of your calls, emails, and comments to heart.

It is for this reason that I’m writing to let you, my closest supporters, know that I have decided to run for the vacant seat on the Glendale City Council in the upcoming election in March of 2020.

Over the last 14 years, I’ve been fortunate enough to follow and be engaged with all matters and affairs concerning our Jewel City. I’ve witnessed what Glendale was, what it is, and what it is becoming. But most importantly, I know what it can be if we work together. Given my breadth of experience in City Hall, I know our city’s strengths, and I definitely know where it needs change and improvement. Despite all progress and everything we have accomplished, we have work to do.

In the coming weeks and months, you will hear more from my campaign about where I stand and why, but I wanted you to be the first to know about this important step I am taking. In these trying times, the national stage deserves our attention, but let’s not forget that change starts here, at home. Nowhere do our actions matter more than at the local level. I have devoted myself to the City of Glendale, and now humbly ask for your support as I seek to continue serving our Jewel City by joining the City Council.

The Glendale City Council elections will be held on March 3, 2020.