Categories: 2019

Asbarez: Azeris Attacked Karabakh Due to ‘Frustration,’ Says De-Classified CIA report

A page from the de-classified CIA report

A recently de-classified report, published in 1988, by the Central Intelligence Agency discusses the Karabakh conflict in its nascent days and provides the agency’s analytical dimensions about the root cause of Azerbaijan’s use of violence against Armenians.

The CIA report, titled “Unrest in the Caucasus and the Challenge of Nationalism [redacted],” says that Nagorno Karabakh is “Armenia’s cultural and religious center” and that the Nagorno Karabakh autonomous oblast was created in 1923 in an “area of Armenians” where “89 percent of the population are Armenians.”

A sample of the de-classified CIA report

“Azeri animosity toward the Armenians has been intensified by political, economic and demographic trends that have adversely affected the political status of Azeris and increased the gap in living standards between Azerbaijan and Armenia. In particular, the rapid expansion of Azerbaijan’s young adult population has put enormous strain on the republic’s capacity to provide adequate jobs, housing and education. Azeri frustration has found an outlet in attacks on Armenia,” the report also adds.

Lara Chatinian: