Categories: 2019

Armenian Nuclear Power Plant can smoothly operate until 2026, says Russian expert

Armenian Nuclear Power Plant can smoothly operate until 2026, says Russian expert




YEREVAN, SEPTEMBER 19, ARMENPRESS. The Armenian Nuclear Power Plant’s reactor system can smoothly operate until 2026, according to Vladimir Bredov – the head of the Russian side of the plant’s lifecycle extension project.

Bredov was commenting on the Armenian NPP’s re-connection to the country’s energy system after the NPP’s planned maintenance works.

According to him the conclusion of the expert group was reached as a result of operation supervision and necessary engineering calculations.

Simultaneously with the reactor system nearly 5000 units of equipment were analyzed – which were either given approval for operations until 2026 or recommended to be replaced.

Nearly 5000 units of equipment were analyzed simultaneously with the reactor system.

“Today, the automated block’s equipment are entirely changes, which has allowed to increase energy generation up to 15% with the same expenses. Works continue, and we can say that as a result of the project Armenia will have a nuclear power plant equipped with modern equipment and in line with global safety standards. This all will become possible as a result of the harmonious work and professionalism of the Armenian and Russian nuclear experts,” Bredov said.

In turn, Deputy Minister of Territorial Administration and Infrastructures Hakob Vardanyan said that after the planned-preventive repair, thanks to the professional work of Armenian and Russian experts, the NPP was connected to the country’s energy system 60 hours in advance from the schedule.

“The Armenian NPP is a strategically-significant facility for Armenia with more than 1/3 of Armenia’s electricity energy being produced here. Providing the population with electric energy under acceptable tariffs is a energy and economic security issue for us,” Vardanyan said.

The Metsamor NPP was re-connected to the country’s energy system on September 8, 2019.

 Edited and translated by Stepan Kocharyan

Arpi Talalian: