Categories: 2019

The number of Armenian citizens who support country’s integration with Eurasian economic union is on the decline

ARKA, Armenia
Sept 19 2019

YEREVAN, September 19. /ARКА/. A public opinion poll conducted by APR Group earlier this year that involved 1,200 respondents across Armenia, found out that 30% of respondents believe that their country should integrate with the European Union (EU), 20% – with the Russia-led Eurasian Economic Union (EEU), 30% believe that it should integrate both with the EU and the EEU, and 6% believe that Armenia should not integrate with any international organization.

According to the survey, the number of Armenian citizens who support the country's integration with the EEU has been steadily declining since it joined the bloc of several former Soviet republics four years ago, while the number of those who support the country's closer integration with the EU  has stabilized after a sharp jump in 2016.

'A comparative analysis of five-year studies shows that only in 2014 and 2015 the number of supporters of Armenia's membership in the EU was less than the number of those who supported its membership in the EEU.' according to the poll.

In 2016, the number of supporters of EU membership exceeded the number of EEU membership supporters. The drop in all likelihood was caused by large-scale sales of Russian weapons to Azerbaijan after the April war in 2016, according to the study said.

It also says that the attitude towards the Eurasian Economic Union is completely interconnected with the attitude of Armenian citizens towards Russia. The largest number of EU supporters are in Aragatsotn region (44%), Vayots Dzor (38%) and Yerevan (41%). The number of EEU supporters are the largest in Lori region (36%) and Ararat (33%). The largest number of those who support both integrations are in Syunik (69%), Gegharkunik (60%), and Shirak (56%) regions.

Men are more likely to preserve Armenia's membership in the Eurasian Economic Union than women. While among men the level of support for the EU and the EEU is approximately the same, among women there are almost twice as many EU supporters.

The wealthier and better-educated support the European Union integration, the poorer – the Eurasian Economic Union. Supporters of the EEU receive information from formal sources, while supporters of the EU receive it from informal sources, as well as from the Internet and social networks.
The survey was commissioned by the Vanadzor office of the Helsinki Civil Assembly. –0-

Hagop Kamalian: