Categories: 2019

Film: Film about industrial tourism in Armenia won at the International Film Festival in Bosnia and Herzegovina

Arminfo, Armenia
Sept 27 2019

ArmInfo. In the capital of  Bosnia and Herzegovina, the city of Sarajevo, the results of the V  International  VIVA FILM FESTIVAL Film Festival. The winner in the  nomination "Best Installation" was the film "Tourism Factory" (author  Zhanna Tolstikova;

editing director Ivan Zakharenko) from the cycle "Scooter" of the  Russian television channel "Promotion".  The film is dedicated to  industrial tourism in Armenia and was shot with the support of the  Yerevan TV channel <21 TV>.

General producer of the non-fiction film festival Goran Gonzo Lukic  noted that documentaries are a great way to tell the world about the  cultural heritage, natural wealth of countries, as well as raise  acute social problems.


A film about industrial tourism in Armenia, which tells about tours  to the country's significant enterprises (Yerevan Brandy Factory,  Dilijan Mineral Water Plant, Carpet Production Factory in Yerevan),  was shown among other documentary works by filmmakers from Mexico,  Brazil, Spain, Italy, Slovenia, Serbia, Moldova and other countries  of the world.

VIVA FILM FESTIVAL General Producer Goran Gonzo Lukic noted the  novelty of the "Tourism Factory" film about travels in Armenia and  stated the importance of the documentary film genre in the current  media space.


VIVA FILM FESTIVAL is an international documentary film festival held  in Sarajevo (Bosnia and Herzegovina). The festival is a member of the  International Documentary Association of Documentary Films  International Documentary Association and is in the TOP-100 of the  world film competitions.  TV channel is a  family-entertaining TV channel. Created in 2014, broadcasts in more  than 180 cities of the Russian Federation, the audience is 25 million  people. Laureate and winner of All-Russian and international  television festivals and competitions, including   in the nomination "Best Television Design". <21TV> Channel is a music  and entertainment channel in Armenia. Created in 1998.  The audience  of the channel is more than one and a half million people (60% of the  population of Armenia). Cities of broadcasting: Yerevan, Ashtarak,  Ararat, Etchmiadzin, Artashat, Garni, Armavir, Abovyan. The TV  channels (Russia) and <21TV> (Armenia) are included in  the MKR-Media holding along with other media assets. 

Hovsep Chakrian: