SOS Amulsar Initiative Indicates Uranium Reserves Available

Arminfo, Armenia
Sept 27 2019

ArmInfo.The SOS Amulsar initiative posted a photograph on its Facebook page, which indicates the presence of large reserves of uranium at the Amulsar gold  deposit. So, according to the record, the letter U of the yellow  device indicates the presence of uranium in the measured material.  The number "245" indicated opposite it indicates the density of  uranium in one ton, in grams. Meanwhile, the norm should be 4 ", -  noted in the record.

Earlier, ArmInfo, referring to the work of the famous Armenian  scientist Petros Aloyan "Uranium bearing of geological formations in  Armenia" noted that the Amulsar occurrence of uranium is located 4 km  southeast of the village of Ketchut and 5 km northwest of the top of  the mountain of the same name.  Approximately 76 tons of uranium were  calculated for five sections of the Amulsar manifestation, and taking  into account uranium in the thorium section, its total reserves can  be estimated at 100 tons.  Moreover, according to the studies of  another scientist, Professor G. Avagyan, according to 40 samples of  Amulsar ore, there are 195 tons of uranium and thorium there.  Meanwhile, the development of uranium deposits requires special  permission from the government, which Lidian does not have.

According to the company, the deposit contains about 73733 kg of gold  with an average grade of 0.78 g per ton, as well as 294.367 tons of  silver with an average grade of 9.29 g per ton. At the same time, not  a word about uranium itself. Lydian Armenia, which implements the  construction of the field, is a subsidiary of British Lydian  International. The total cost of the Amulsar project is $ 370  million. The field's life will be 10 years and 4 months, with an  average of 200 thousand ounces of gold being mined annually. Amulsar  field is the second largest reserves in Armenia.