Sports: Armenia wins more medals at World Weightlifting Championships

Panorama, Armenia
Sept 27 2019
Sport 16:36 27/09/2019 Armenia

Armenia has won two medals in the +109 kg competition of the World Weightlifting Championships held in Pattaya, Thailand.

Olympic silver medalist Gor Minasyan captured the silver medal, while bronze medalist of the 2019 European Championship Ruben Aleksanyan took the bronze, the National Olympic Committee’s press service reported.

Gor Minasyan successfully lifted a total of 460kg (212 + 248) and Ruben Aleksanyan – 437 kg (192 + 245).

Minasyan also won silver in the snatch and clean and jerk events. Ruben Aleksanyan came 6th in snatch, while he won a small bronze medal in clean and jerk.

Earlier Armenian weightlifters Hakob Mkrtchyan and Simon Martirosyan had won gold medals and crowned world campions.

In the team standings, Armenia the second place, left behind China which won 5 gold medals.