The biggest gata in the world baked in Armenia, breaking last year`s record

Arminfo, Armenia
Sept 26 2019

ArmInfo. The biggest gata  in the world was baked in Armenia, with a length of 65 meters and a  weight of 410 kg. The initiator of the annual, already traditional  event is the Yeremyan Projects.

It took 2 days to make the biggest gata in the world, using Armenian  dried fruits, and its size allows to treat about 4 thousand people.

As the company noted, the event is held with the aim of increasing  the recognition of the gats as one of the most favorite confectionery  products of the Armenian national cuisine. Every year, the company  intends to exceed last year's dimensions of the baked gata. <It  doesn't matter if we go back to the Guinness Book of Records. This is  our gift to the city>, the organizers noted.

To recall that last year, Yeremyan Projects initiated the baking of  the largest gata in the world, which length was 60 meters and its  weight exceeded 368 kg. Gata, baked in Armenia in 2018, was in the  Guinness Book of Records.