Categories: 2019

Kim Kardashian West to Produce SKIMS in Armenia

Kim Kardashian West

Kim Kardashian West disclosed information about her plan to produce her shapewear SKIMS in Armenia through a tweet on Thursday.

“I will be visiting Armenia in the next 2 weeks and hope to seek ways I can help increase trade and hopefully create jobs for Armenians which includes @skims production there in the future,” she tweeted.

Kardashian West will be visiting Yerevan in early October as a keynote speaker at the 2019 World Congress on Information Technology.

The reality TV star revealed the news after receiving a tweet from the Armenian National Committee of America, who reached out to Kardashian West in regard to her shapewear being produced in Turkey.

The ANCA tweeted: “Dear Kim Kardashian: Thank you for championing Armenian Genocide recognition & raising so much global awareness about Armenia. We saw that you are making some @skims products in Turkey. Please consider making them in Armenia which is known for great craftsmanship & service.”

Kim Kardashian West tweets about her upcoming trip to Armenia

“Thank you ANCA DC for your concerns & support. When I first began dreaming of owning my own shapewear company, I knew I wanted every piece to be made the best way possible; from the finest materials; starting from design stage through to creation, testing, innovation & fit,” Kardashian West responded through a tweet.

“We consulted with experts and searched globally for the best in class options, some which was found in Turkey. We believe strongly against discrimination of any kind; against anyone or any nation based on the past….As a brand, we believe in embracing all people and as an individual I have been working towards broader goals in hopes of bringing forward the recognition of the Armenian genocide which I remain very passionate about. I am a strong believer that in order for change to happen, you must be willing to work with all people, even when you have differences in political opinions”, she added.

Following her response, ANCA thanked Kardashian West for considering Armenia as a future site for SKIMS production: “We look forward to your upcoming trip to Armenia, value all you do to share our heritage, and love and respect your family’s passion for Armenian Genocide recognition.

Kardashian responded: “Thank you! I’ve been working extremely hard on this matter and hope my trip to Armenia will bring some amazing news because I have big plans!”

Alex Jidarian: