Severe damage caused to health of Russian Armenian sisters who killed their father, additional expertise confirms, Armenia
Oct 1 2019
Severe damage caused to health of Russian Armenian sisters who killed their father, additional expertise confirms Severe damage caused to health of Russian Armenian sisters who killed their father, additional expertise confirms

10:29, 01.10.2019

An additional forensic medical examination commission has confirmed that the violent actions of Mikhail Khachaturyan have caused serious damage to the health of his daughters, who are accused of killing their parent. This is noted in the statement which these girls’ attorneys have issued, Interfax reported.

“The psychiatric disorders found in the Khachaturyan sisters have a cause-and-effect link with Mikhail Khachaturyan’s actions,” the statement also reads.

The legal defense of these sisters also states that the expertise has assessed the damage to the girls’ health as severe.

“The girls were in the necessary defense state,” the statement also said. “In the attorneys’ view, the criminal prosecution of the Khachaturyan sisters should be terminated.” 

On July 27, 2018 the dead body of Russian Armenian Mikhail Khachaturyan, 57, was found at the entrance to a Moscow building—and with multiple stab wounds. According to the respective investigation, he was killed by his three teenage daughters, and due to personal enmity.

Criminal charges were brought against them.

On August 2, a Moscow court ruled that they be remanded in custody.

On September 27, another Moscow court released these three sisters from the detention center where they spent two months, thus granting the investigating body’s petition to commute their pretrial measure of arrest.

In June 2019, the investigation was completed. According to the final edition, the girls were charged with murder.

As per the case files, the cause of this crime was the father’s multiple abuses of her daughters, and which involved physical and sexual violence against them. The sisters, however, plead innocent under the said qualification.

This past July, the case materials on Mikhail Khachaturyan were separated from her daughters’ case. His actions included crimes of torture and sexual abuse of her daughters. But due his death, no criminal charges were brought against him.